M. Saban smith

We are very happy to see Martin feature the TriSpin on his Youtube channel.  Martin is a prominent community leader of UK wood turning.

His website and channel contain a wealth of information and services for the woodturning community in the UK (and beyond). He also teaches woodturning and has a range of unique products available.

Youtube Channel: M. Saban Smith Woodturning

Website:  http://www.msabansmith.com/

Thank you for the kind words Martin!

Dave Lloyd from Shrewsbury

Today Ken and I (Dan) went on a trip to see Dave LLoyd in Shrewsbury.

Dave had bought a TriSpin from us a few weeks ago, and had adapted it to suit his pole lathe. On this visit he had kindly offered to take us to a small business which keeps interesting seasoned cuts of wood, and of course we were eager to see his workshop and what he makes.

Dave's workshop
The workshop used to house Stafford Canaries, can you see how it gets its colour?

Dave has an interesting selection of talents. His current projects include constructing an ornate mantel piece decorated with contrasting wood inlays, making a variety of walking sticks including ones with difficult to bend buffalo horn handles, and even finely shaped and painted pottery.

He wanted a TriSpin steady rest for making the walking sticks, and he mounted it on his pole lathe with a little adaptation to the spacer block, and a U bolt.

TriSpin on a pole lathe
TriSpin adapted for the pole lathe

Amongst other things Dave has a talent for building working spaces to pursue his hobbies and it was a delight to learn what and how he makes his creations.

Dave's pottery
Dave also has a talent for spinning pottery

I will share a link to Dave’s walking sticks and more as soon as it is available.

Thank you for sharing your passion with us today.



Ken Garner